Iconify by Sqor Sports
Iconify by Sqor Sports is a trophy builder/image creator app designed to commemorate the famous American Football Quarterback Brett Favre retiring his Jersey into the football hall of fame. The idea behind this app was to be a viral advertising tool for SQOR and spread awareness for the brand by giving users a fun and free app to play with. Upon download users have access to free artwork made up of different tropy parts to build their own custom Brett Favre themed trophy, but users also have the option purchase more art assets to create a wider variety of custom images, from birthday greetings to crazy disco dance parties and island vacations. Users can send their friends their own Iconify creation with a custom message on it.
This project was produced within a one month time frame and a team of 3 people. I am incredibly proud of our hard work and ability to create such a professional app in such a short amount of time. Check it out on the app store! https://appsto.re/us/6YSY7.i
Producer/Art Director - Millie Maddox
Programming and Development - Augie Maddox
Artists - Millie Maddox, Nikita Orlav
Project Managers: Anthony Schafer, Dave Ross
Concept - Anthony Schafer, Millie Maddox