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Tentatrio IOS Sticker Pack

My good friend Shelly Rodriguez designed these amazing sweet squid, jellyfish, and octopus characters and hired me to bring them to life with animation! I animated 27 individual stickers using Adobe After Effects CC. I loved every minute of this project!
You can purchase the stickers to use on your iPhone here:!-jellyfish-octopus/id1160421065?mt=8&ign-mpt=uo%3D4
Below are a some of my favorite animations of the set!

Gummy Ika - Hi!
Describe your image.

Gummy Ika - Laughing
Describe your image.

Gummy Ika - Hungry
Describe your image.

Gummy Ika - Shocked
Describe your image.

Gummy Ika - Toxic

Gummy Ika - Squidsmas Tree

Sweet Jellyblub - Wink
Describe your image.

Sweet Jellyblub - Shy
Describe your image.

Sweet Jellyblub - Annoyed
Describe your image.

Sweet Jellyblub - Tears
Describe your image.

Sweet Jellyblub - Tongue
Describe your image.

Sweet Jellyblub - Sipping Coffee

SweetToof - Panting Puppy

SweetToof - Eating a Cookie

SweetToof - Being Smug

SweetToof - Sobbing

SweetToof - Rejected

SweetToof - Angry

SweetToof - Warm and Cozy
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